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Mental and Behavioural Health CRG


26 July 2023

Discussion items


Request for promotion of 288511000119108 |Chronic mood disorder (disorder)| from the US extension. 

This concept subsumes 45 concepts if you look here -

John asked for review by the group as we think this may be an outdated concept

Elaine Wooler will talk with John Snyder regarding US v  International editions

Consider nuanced differences between terms:

  • persistent v. chronic
  • intermittent v recurrent

existing qualifiers: 'transient" per Ed Cheetham 

Ed Cheetham  - is there value in having this higher level concept of "chronic' ?

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 General mental state

Obtain consensus on inactivation of concepts:

  • 247571009 | General mental state (observable entity) |
  • 365928004 | General mental state finding (finding) |
  • Determine appropriate parent concept(s) for the following child concepts

    • Cooperative mental state (finding) => Cooperative behavior (finding) and Cooperative attitude (finding) and Co-operative character (finding)
    • Inadequate personality (finding)  (AMBIGUOUS, OUTDATED), look also at passive character (finding) 
    • Mental health problem (finding) IS-A problem (finding) 

Michael First

Andrew Williams - could this be used for a higher level general observation, i.e., , gestalt impression of a patient or something like a general clinical impression (finding)  ?

  • Michael First - come up with an explicit definition for "state"
    • when would we use the term or concept of state
    • when we would not use the concept of state

  • Keep 247571009 | General mental state (observable entity) |
  • inactivate 365928004 | General mental state finding (finding) |
  • Make  Cooperative mental state (finding)  a child of | Mental state (finding) |
  • Make  |Mental health problem (finding) child of | Problem (finding) | and | Mental state (finding) |

Organic disorder

What is the definition of 'organic'? Only disorders caused by a biomedical condition or also disorders caused by a substance (i.e., a known or presumed physiological mechanism v. an unknown mechanism)

DSM5: Mental disorder due to another medical condition: There is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the disturbance is the direct pathophysiological consequence of another medical condition

ICD11 Secondary mental or behavioural disorder: "syndromes characterised by the presence of prominent psychological or behavioural symptoms judged to be direct pathophysiological consequences of a medical condition not classified under mental and behavioural disorders"

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4Date and Time of next meeting:  23rd August 4.00pm UTC

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1 Comment

  1. Link to the CRS request to review and promote Chronic Mood Disorder from the US Extension (for quicker access):