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Mental and Behavioural Health CRG


05 April 2023



Discussion items

1Workgroup structure and process changes
  • Discussed challenges getting proposed changes to clinical findings incorporated into SNOMED as a result of ambiguous, erroneous, and duplicative observable entity concepts
  • Discussed the need to perform work in parallel with two different types of SMEs 
    • Mental health modeling 'subgroup': A group of social and behavioral scientists with an interest in understanding concept modeling to address potential changes to concept models in SNOMED to accommodate mental health content
      • Initial work will focus on cleaning up and filling gaps in observable entity concepts in the mental health space
    • Mental health content 'subgroup: A group of clinical experts to review clinical finding (including mental disorder) concepts 
      • Proposed convening small groups of specialist SMEs in address specific content areas  (e.g., mood disorders, stress related disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, eating disorders, substance use, personality disorders and traits, etc.

Andrew Williams, Chair of the  OMOP Psychiatry Workgroup, provided a brief overview of OMOP and described the ways that OMOP is used for knowledge discovery in mental health.

OMOP relies heavily on SNOMED content.

Discussed the need for more robust representation of assessment instruments in SNOMED

  • Piper Allyn Ranallo, Dima, and Polina will work with SI (SNOMED International) to create a plan for adding the missing commonly used assessment instruments to SNOMED.
  • Longer term, the mental health modeling subgroup will work with SI and James R. Campbell to ensure that assessment instrument modeling accommodates mental health use cases

2Mental Disorder Cleanup

Agreed to prioritize clean up of the mental disorders hierarchy in SNOMED for 2023 with the following goals:

  • Add missing ICD11 and DSM5 mental disorders
  • Remove duplicative concepts
  • Inactivate outdated concepts

Proposed convening small groups of SMEs to address content in each section in mental disorders chapter (06) of ICD11  (e.g., mood disorders, anxiety disorders, etc.   

3Assessment Instrument Modeling

Discussion postponed to incorporate assessment modeling discussed and approved in the SNOMED Editorial Advisory Group on 04 April (e.g., work presented by James R. Campbell) and new developments related to LOINC-SNOMED observables agreement.

  • James R. Campbell agreed to share his work on assessment modeling in a future MABH-CRG call (date TBD).
  • Future Item: MABH-CRG will work with James R. Campbell and SNOMED Editorial Advisory Group to assess the proposed assessment model relative to mental health use cases
  • MABH-CRG will coordinate withJim Caseto educate the CRG about the agreement between SNOMED and LOINC. Goal is to understand what this means for the representation of assessment instruments. 

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