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Discussion items

Piper Allyn Ranallo
1Requests for CRG input

Request for CRG input on the following concepts:

  • 54231004 |Rape trauma syndrome (finding)| retire as outdated to 39093002 |Post-trauma response (finding)|
  • 23328008 |Rape trauma syndrome: compound reaction (finding)| 

  • 25944005 |Rape trauma syndrome: silreaction (finding)| 

  • Resolved  

Consensus that these terms were used prior to development and use of concept PTSD and therefore should be inactivated with a pointer to appropriate post traumatic stress disorder concepts 

2Concept | Attention function (observable entity) | Discussed whether attention is a kind of executive cognitive function. 
  • On hold   

Agreed that since we have not yet evaluated the concept of executive cognitive function its best to define it simply as a cognitive function and revisit the concept later.

3Reviewed child concepts of concept | Psychological finding of perception (finding) |Piper Allyn Ranallo Uma Vaidyanathan

Reviewed spreadsheet with an initial focus on identifying invalid and ambiguous concepts

  • Piper Allyn Ranallowill send spreadsheet with annotations and proposed defining attributes, along with instructions for CRG member review and input by  

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