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20:00 UTC on Tuesday 7th November 2017


  • To identify overlapping areas of national interest
  • To consider options for handling semantic overlap
  • To agree on next steps

Meeting Details


Phone: See for available phone numbers (meeting id 242-348-6949)

          (instructions and guide here - Getting Started with Rocket Chat)


Linda BirdJane MillarRob Hausam


Discussion items

1Welcome and introductions


2Background of collaboration and recap of meeting in Bratislava
3Review Member Sharing Page and consider national priorities

SNOMED Members

  • Member Sharing Page
  • Which clinical resources, value sets and/or terminology services are the highest priority for the short and medium term in each SNOMED Member country?
4Identify overlap in national interests

SNOMED Members

  • Identify potential subgroups to work on specific resources etc and bring back to group for discussion
5Consider options for handling semantic overlap


  • For example "Consistency with no redundancy" or "Forced consistency with redundancy"
6Next steps
  • Frequency, timing and length of meetings
  • FHIR resources to work on first and/or in parallel
  • Other suggestions for sharing and collaboration


Meeting Files

  File Modified
Microsoft Word Document MF SNOMED on FHIR workshop report 17 Oct 2017.docx 2017-Nov-06 by Linda Bird
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation SNOMED on FHIR Meeting (20171017).pptx 2017-Nov-06 by Linda Bird
Microsoft Word Document SNOMED on FHIR notes 20171107 v0.01.docx 2017-Nov-22 by Linda Bird
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation UK SNOMED on FHIR.pptx 2017-Nov-06 by Linda Bird


Previous Meetings

No content found.


  1. Here's a suggested starting point.

    We could define a series of

    • work items (where we know we need to do something) and 
    • discussions (where we just need to talk, or talk more before we determine if we need to do something).

    I'd suggest that these discussions and work items can all happen in parallel and people can sink effort where they have knowledge or interest and time. Different people will be involved in one or more different items/discussions at any given time. I don't think we can use the whole group serially on items/discussions because the areas covered by the union of the various items/discussions is too broad.

    We can meet as a whole group to regularly review these work items, create new ones, close existing ones and review progress. The individual items can hopefully be done mostly via the collaborative technologies (wiki and chat), but there's no reason why meetings couldn't be organised for specific topics if the people working on them feel it would help.

    The wiki can become a record of how we arrived at the positions we arrived at, and there'll be other places where anything formal we arrive at gets published. Those publications may be part of the FHIR specification changes (e.g. Using SNOMED CT with FHIR) or SNOMED International documentation.

    Work items

    • Review and maintenance of Using SNOMED CT with FHIR page
    • Changes to SNOMED CT to improve usage through Terminology Services (e.g. implicit ConceptMap metadata)
    • CodeSystem and ValueSet resource naming and versioning
    • ConceptMaps for FHIR code systems to SNOMED CT where applicable
    • Principles and guidance for profiling/binding with SNOMED CT
    • Reviewing existing base resource bindings
    • Sharing/collaboration on profiles, ValueSet definitions and bindings - prioritised on Member activity and high maturity resources. This is probably the biggest task and the hardest to manage. It will likely focus on different resources at any given moment.
    • Create base resource profiles binding SNOMED CT wherever possible, but isn't done in the base resources


    • Setting up and operating centralised (e.g. national, organisational) FHIR terminology repositories
    • Medication resources for representing drug terminologies
    • Content syndication
    • Intensional reference set with simple ValueSet versus intensional ValueSet definition

    Maybe we should start adding discussion items and add some work items as tasks that we agree on and have people interested in working on? Then coordinate all this work via this wiki space?

    1. Actually I'll add a task, which I have to give Reuben Daniels credit for. As boring as it sounds I think a Terms of Reference or something like it would be useful. That could be as simple as a wiki page that outlines key parts.

      In my mind it should say things like

      • links and relationship to other groups - HL7 Vocal, HTA, Member Forum, Advisory Groups...
      • that the group was created by the Member Forum from recognised need, but is by no means limited to or controlled by the Member Forum
      • the Members (particularly) and SNOMED International have a responsibility to contribute and facilitate the group, but should not attempt to strongly control or direct it - the aim is to facilitate collaboration of interested community members not control it
      • Members and SNOMED International have a responsibility to provide guidance/information on the priorities of their organisations which may influence the order and direction of the groups work
      • the group has no formal standing to endorse or ratify anything on behalf of SNOMED International or any of the Members, it can however make recommendations to SNOMED International (or even other bodies?) to endorse, ratify or take formal positions (for example the Using SNOMED CT with FHIR page)

      There's probably other things, but those are the things that come to mind at the moment. That is just my view on what the group is and what it should be, but please feel free to disagree!

  2. [On behalf of Linda Parisien - Canada]


    In Canada we have an InfoCentral page that gathers FHIR information which is freely accessible through an account. On that page you can find the link to the FHIR Community that is quite active.

    We also have a tool called the terminology gateway that is a web based solution framework enabling the distribution and sharing of terminology concepts, subsets and concept maps, making them available for web browsing, download or real time query.

    Two weeks ago Canada Health Infoway has launched the Canadian FHIR Registry. The registry, is sponsored by Infoway, and is powered by the platform, a web solution built by Furore.