Hi All,
Thank you very much for your input at the ELAG meeting regarding the new implementation course and to those of you who have volunteered to review the new implementation course.
We are going to split the reviews into sections following the proposed structure of the new implementation course.
First review stage to cover the first two modules
Second review stage - ‘General implementation and Customization’ modules
Third review stage - ‘EHR Implementation Principles’ modules
Fourth review stage - ‘Extension Management’ modules
As there are different stages we will divide those of you who have volunteered across the review stages.
We will be in touch at a time when each review stage is ready. (Some of you will already have been contacted regarding the first review stage.)
Many thanks again for your help and we look forward to receiving your comments.
Please let us know if you would also like to volunteer to review the new implementation course. This can be done by commenting on this blog on confluence.
Many thanks,
Kath Priest