
Blog from April, 2022

Dear ELAG members,

In case you missed the news on Confluence, please note that the SNOMED CT Expo 2022 abstract submission deadline has been extended to May 1. We would appreciate it if you could please remind anyone interested in submitting and are hoping to represent their country's SNOMED CT efforts and present in-person or online at this year’s hybrid event in Lisbon, Portugal. Presenters attend for free!

Visit for more details and watch this 1 minute video for a glimpse of the advantages of presenting from some of our past presenters:

Thank you

Best wishes


Dear ELAG members and observers of the group,

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us on Monday, for the April 2022 SNOMED Business Meeting's E-Learning Advisory Group meeting.

For those of you who were unable to attend, please feel free to watch the recording at ELAG - 4th April 2022.

The presentation for this meeting is also available at ELAG presentation - April Business Meeting.

If you have any feedback, please feel free to send me an email at, or add a comment for discussion at the bottom of the 2022-04-04 ELAG Remote Meeting (via Zoom).

New Foundation Course Review - Please volunteer

As discussed at the meeting, we welcome ELAG members to review the new SNOMED CT Foundation Course, and in particular the last two modules. The review period is from April, 11th to April 22nd. Should you wish to be included in the review group, please send an email to Anne, and you will receive an email when the course is ready for you to start the review.

Kind regards,
Ian Spiers.