



  • Terminology service providers must provide services that enable access to all the data in a selected versioned view of a selected SNOMED CT edition. This requirement applies to all editions and versioned views that the terminology services are able to access. The data must be stored in forms that enable it to serve the purposes identified in the SNOMED CT Release Files Specifications. However, the data storage format is not required to precisely match the data structure in the release files.
  • Healthcare application providers must ensure that their applications support the use of terminology services that allow access to all the data in selected versioned views of a selected SNOMED CT edition. They should ensure that their applications are able to use this data to meet user requirements in ways that make effective use of SNOMED CT features and guidance 1.
  • Terminology service users should procure and use healthcare applications and terminology services that enable them to realize the benefits of SNOMED CT by accessing all the data in a selected edition and making effective use of terminology design features and guidance 1.

A terminology service must provide access to all the data in one or more specified versioned views of a selected edition. The simplest way to achieve this is to import the content of all the files in the full release and/or the snapshot release from the release package representing the selected edition. However, where this is not possible  Table 5.4.2-1, identifies alternative sources that can be used.

Table 5.4.2-1: Alternative Sources for Importing Release Views


Importing snapshot release data from a full release of the same versioned edition.

Selectively process rows in each release files in the following way.

  • From each file, only import rows with the most recent effectiveTime for each unique id.
  • Other rows must not be imported.

Importing snapshot release data from a full release of a later version of the same edition.

Selectively process rows in each release files in the following way.

  • Discard or ignore all rows with an effectiveTime that is more recent than the required version date.
  • From each file, only import the retained rows with the most recent effectiveTime for each unique id.
  • Other rows must not be imported.

Importing delta release data from a full or snapshot release of the same versioned edition.

Selectively process rows in each release files in the following way.

  • Only import rows with an effectiveTime greater than the previous release date.
  • Other rows must not be imported.

Importing delta release data of changes between any two versions from a full release of the same versioned edition or a later version of the same edition.

Selectively process rows in each release files in the following way.

  • Only import rows that have an effectiveTime that is
    • Greater than the starting version date; and
    • Less than or equal to the ending version; and
    • If more than one row for a unique id meets the above criteria, only import the row that has the most recent effectiveTime.
  • Other rows must not be imported.
Importing edition data from a release package containing more than one edition

Identify the module dependencies of the edition to be imported.

Selectively process rows in each release file in the following way:

  • Only include rows that matches either the edition moduleId or the moduleId of a module on which the edition depends.
Importing edition data from multiple release packages

Identify the module dependencies of the edition to be imported.

Selectively process rows in each release file in the following way:

  • Only include rows that matches either the edition moduleId or the moduleId of a module on which the edition depends.

If the initial package does not contain all the necessary versioned modules to satisfy the module dependencies, import additional data from release files in other packages.

  • Avoid importing the same component version from more than one package (i.e. skip duplicates where the id and effectiveTime both match).

The data structure of each release file is specified the following sections of the SNOMED CT Release File Specifications 4 Component Release Files Specification and 5 Reference Set Release Files Specification.
