All attributes with a range constraint for <<|Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product)|
Where the MRCM allows Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product) and its descendants as valid values for Observable entity (observable entity), the Pharmaceutical / biologic product (product) subhierarchy is not currently used for values with these attributes in the International Release except for 787859002 |Vaccine product (medicinal product)| and its descendants, which can be used as valid values for this attribute.
This attribute specifies the process which the property describes, and on which the property (of this observable) depends. The process can be very general (e.g. excretion).
For example,
- Mass concentration ratio of silver to creatinine in 24-hour urine (observable entity) has 704321009 | Characterizes (attribute)| of excretion process
- 789098002 |Estimated quantity of intake of potassium in 24 hours (observable entity)| has a 704321009 |Characterizes (attribute)| of administration of substance
This attribute is used to specify the numerator of a relational property types, e.g. ratio, concentration.
For example,
- Arbitrary concentration of Varicella-Zoster virus (observable entity) has the 246093002 | Component (attribute)| of Human herpesvirus 3
Direct site
This attribute is used to specify the entity on which the observation is directly made. It may also be used when the observation is indirect, i.e. when a direct observation cannot be done.
For example,
- 415974002 | Core body temperature measured at tympanic membrane (observable entity)| has the 704327008 | Direct site (attribute)| of 42859004 |Tympanic membrane structure (body structure)|
Has realization
This attribute is used to specify the process or activity that is the consequence of realization of the function.
For example,
- 282097004 | Ability to walk (observable entity)| 719722006 | Has realization (attribute)| of 870595007 |Walking (qualifier value)|
Inherent location
This attribute is used to specify a body site or other location of the independent continuant in which the property exists.
For example,
- DNA taxon of Mycobacterium from bronchial secretions (observable entity) has 718497002 | Inherent location (attribute)| of bronchus
Inheres in
This attribute specifies the independent continuant in which the quality exists and on which the dependent quality (of this observable) depends.
For example,
- 307047009 |Core body temperature measured in rectum (observable entity)| has 704319004 |Inheres in (attribute)| of 278826002 |Body internal region (body structure)|
This attribute is used to specify body state, timing, challenges, or other situations that must be true of the entity to be observed.
For example,
- Plasma creatinine concentration 7 days post challenge (observable entity) has a Precondition of 7 days post challenge
- 163033001 | Lying blood pressure (observable entity)| has a 704326004 | Precondition (attribute)| of 102538003 |Recumbent body position (finding)|
Procedure device
This attribute is used to model devices associated with a procedure. This attribute is used to define high-level, general concepts that aggregate procedures according to the device involved.
Process acts on
This attribute is used to describe that a process specifically acts on some entity, e.g. by transporting that entity in or out of the body, i.e. Rate of intake of protein, Rate of excretion of creatinine.
For example,
- 789350001 |Estimated quantity of intake of iron in 24 hours (observable entity)| has a 1003735000 | Process acts on (attribute)| of iron
Process agent
This attribute is used to specify the continuant (e.g. body structure or organism) that is causally active in the process on which the property depends. It is used to refine the meaning of the process named as the value of 704321009 | Characterizes (attribute)| , or it may simply repeat the meaning that is already there.
For example,
- Substance rate of secretion of somatotropin by pituitary following clonidine per os (observable entity) has the 704322002 | Process agent (attribute)| of 56329008 |Pituitary structure (body structure)|.
Process duration
This attribute specifies the duration of the process characterized by the observable property type.
For example,
- Mass rate of excretion of cortisone in 24 hour urine (observable entity) has the 704323007 | Process duration (attribute)| of 123027009 |24 hours (qualifier value)|
Process extends to
This attribute specifies that the process which the property characterizes has led to the inclusion of a previously not included structure.
For example,
The concept |Presence of direct invasion by primary malignant neoplasm of prostate to seminal vesicle (observable entity)| has a 1003703000 |Process extends to (attribute)| of |Seminal vesicle structure (body structure)|
Process output
This attribute is used to specify the substance or process produced by the process characterized by the observable property type.
For example,
- Substance rate of excretion of pregnanediol in micromoles per day (observable entity) has a 704324001 | Process output (attribute)| of 28268006 |Pregnanediol (substance)|
This attribute is used to specify the type of feature (i.e. quality, disposition, function, or process characteristic) to be observed. Its values are abstract types of quality (length, odor, concentration) or abstract types of process features (rate, speed).
For example,
- Blood glucose mass concentration (observable entity) has the 370130000 | Property (attribute)| of 118539007 |Mass concentration (property) (qualifier value)|
Mass vs Weight
The Property (qualifier value) hierarchy contains the following:
- 118538004 |Mass, a measure of quantity of matter (property) (qualifier value)|
- 726527001 |Weight (property) (qualifier value)|
Very rarely is the physics definition of weight used. When the term weight is used, it is most often referring to mass, as further demonstrated by the units of measure i.e., grams, kilograms, etc. Unless units specific to the physics definition of weight are specified using Newtons, assume that mass is implied.
To summarize, always use the mass qualifier value unless a concept is requested with Newton units that specifically refer to weight.
Relative to
This attribute is used to specify the denominator of a relational property type, e.g. a ratio or proportion.
For example,
- Urine alpha aminobutyrate to creatinine ratio (observable entity) has 704325000 | Relative to (attribute)| 15373003 |Creatinine (substance)|
- Neutrophils per 100 leukocytes in blood (observable entity) has 704325000 | Relative to (attribute)| 702962009 |Population of all leukocytes in portion of fluid (body structure)|
Relative to part of
This attribute is used to specify the denominator of a relative relational property, such as a ratio of ratios.
For example,
- Relative substance concentration of cerebrospinal fluid IgM to plasma IgM (observable entity) has 719715003 | Relative to part of (attribute)| of 50863008 |Plasma (substance)|
Scale Type
This attribute is used to specify the scale of the result of an observation or a diagnostic test (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, semi-quantitative).
- When defining observable entities for the international release, the | Scale type (attribute)| will not be used. Extensions are permitted to add specific subtypes of observable entities that include the | Scale type (attribute)| , if desired.
- In instances where Observable entity content from SNOMED CT extensions that contain a SCALE TYPE relationship is promoted to the International release, the SCALE TYPE relationship will not be inactivated.
This attribute is used to specify the systematic method of an observation.
For example,
- Presence of Brucella abortus antibody in serum by latex agglutination (observable entity) has the 246501002 | Technique (attribute)| of 703448004 |Latex agglutination test technique (qualifier value)|
Time Aspect
This attribute is used to specify the timing of an observation.
For example,
- Substance concentration of acetone in urine (observable entity) has the 370134009 | Time aspect (attribute)| of 123029007 |Single point in time (qualifier value)|
This attribute is used to specify a disposition, what the disposition is towards, i.e. a specific triggering agent, or more generally, participant in the realization of the disposition.
For example,
- Quantitative susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to amikacin in microbial isolate by disk diffusion (observable entity) has 704320005 | Towards (attribute)| of 387266001 |Amikacin (substance)|
This attribute is used to specify the units used in assigning a value to an observation.
For example,
- Basophils per 100 leukocytes (observable entity) has the 246514001 | Units (attribute)| of 415067009 |Percentage unit (qualifier value)|
Using device
This attribute is used to specify the instrument or equipment utilized to execute an action. Using device is appropriate when the device is actually used to carry out the action that is the focus of the procedure.
For example,
- 415921007 | Temperature of forehead using skin strip thermometer (observable entity)| has 424226004 | Using device (attribute)| of 448916003 |Skin strip thermometer (physical object)|
Examples without concept IDs
There are examples on this page that do not have a concept ID. These examples are included for members who may be modeling observables within their extension.