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agendas and and worksheets

  File Modified
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Caries spreadsheet for active review 12.7.16.xlsx 2016-Nov-30 by Mark Jurkovich
Microsoft Word Document Caries term strategic review rev 11.30.16.docx 2016-Nov-30 by Mark Jurkovich
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet JN_ partial matches_Caries-psotcordinated.xlsx Caries Terms Partial Matches 2016-Dec-06 by Joel White
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Odontogram refset v4.xlsx 2016-Dec-07 by Jorn Andre Jorgensen
Microsoft Word Document Prelim agenda 11.30.16 v2 w GTM info.docx 2016-Nov-30 by Mark Jurkovich
Microsoft Word Document Refset coordinations.docx 2016-Dec-07 by Jorn Andre Jorgensen
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet SNODDS GD Final 2016 161126.xlsx Caries Terms Reference Set Building Blocks and complete expressions 2016-Dec-06 by Joel White