
20-February, 2018


  • Revisit last month's discussion on synoptic report use
  • Review melanoma work at UNMC
  • Discuss CDA for pathology

Discussion items

1Conflict of Interest
  • None
2 Synoptic Report scope/useCAP use of synoptic report is for primary neoplasm and when a pTNM stage (primary neoplasm resection vs. diagnostic biopsy) can be determined/assigned. This addresses the concern of defining histology types for worksheet. 
3Review current UNMC melanoma check sheetOutput file looks fine. Add to confluence and include version/HL7 message sample and human readable version
4CDA for pathology reportsAll agree that this is a good approach. Ask to rename molecular pathology to broader term ~ genomics or genetics

Other business (IHE,PaLM prep meeting)

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