Conference Call Details

Meeting time is 2019-03-26 19:00 UK; 15:00 US ET (1900 UTC)

Starting with ZOOM

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    Meeting ID: 271-763-716

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Discussion items

1Introductions and apologies

Minutes of previous meetingMinutes from 2019-01-22 Anesthesia CRG Meeting

Matters arising from the minutes

Administration of anesthesia hierarchyZac Whitewood-Moores

From Zac Whitewood-Moores :

"Consider the hierarchy under

<<410770002 | Administration of anesthesia for procedure (procedure) |

... They do not discriminate between general anaesthetic, sedation, spinal, regional and local anaesthetic.

I believe that separating the anaesthetic from the procedure and recording both is really the only scalable way forward. I would be grateful if the Anaesthesia CRG could consider this area of content/requirement and make the appropriate request of SNOMED International

... My suggestion is that this hierarchy is retired… a less palatable one would be that they are disambiguated and modelled with both procedures to ensure equivalence can be determined.

Either way needs care to ensure that is does not appear that two surgical procedures have been undertaken in the clinical record."

Reviewed with the group, and we generally agree that this hierarchy is overly post-coordinated. It appears to have historically been derived from the US CPT anesthesia codes (00xxx codes).

SNOMED updates

Multiple terms cleared for release recently

Morphine PF request pending clarification (Req #722226)

Planning for F2F meeting in London on April 10

See 2019-04-10 Anesthesia CRG Face-to-Face Meeting (London)

Any other business

Possible ancestor: Oxygen therapy (procedure) SCTID: 57485005

Need to collect examples and parameters for what distinguishes HFOT from other kinds of oxygen therapy (humidified, 100% concentration.)

Next meeting

Face to Face in London, April 10 2019

Meeting Files

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